(Re)Thinking Everything - Preface

Friends, my book - (RE)THINKING EVERYTHING - is releasing via Amazon on January 25, 2022 and so for the next few blog posts I’ll be sharing some excerpts in hopes that you’ll create a reminder in your phone to go buy it first thing on 1.25! It’ll also be my 40th birthday, so consider it your gift to me - HA!

Here’s the preface of the book, more stuff coming this week!

In your hands you hold a book that I wrote, edited, designed, and published all by myself.  Lots of people told me that doing all of that stuff on my own was a really stupid idea, that it would be much better for me to go through an actual publisher who would …

Professionally edit.

Professionally design.

Professionally market.

… the book in an effort to get it maximum exposure, sales, etc.  

For a while I thought they were right and so I spoke to some publishers and editors but ultimately decided to publish it myself because, really, this book isn’t a book.  I mean, it is – it has pages and a cover and words and all the things that normal books have (no pictures, sorry).


More than that.

It’s a journal entry … a collection of journal entries, really … that were written on the pages of my heart, mind, and soul over the course of 30-ish years.  

I’ll be the very first to admit that the book is far from perfect.  Even though I re-read it 10,000 times, there will likely be spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and steady streams of run-on thoughts … but the imperfections of the book are what help make it beautiful.  


I think so.

The words on these pages were written though both laughs and tears and to be honest, I didn’t want anyone touching it until it left my heart and got into your hands.  I guess you could say that I decided to buck the system, which (you’ll soon find out) is something I have a knack for doing anyways.

And so may it bless you, may it encourage you, and may it play a massive role in helping you become more and more and more of the beautiful human being that you are.

Thanks for reading it.

Glenn Siepert